Review 4TU Grant

Review 4TU Grant

Despite recurring efforts into recruiting more women, their numbers in Dutch bachelor programs remain low. One of the new forms of teaching CS that succeeds in attracting a more diverse student audience, and in particular women, is Berkeley’s The Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC). Moreover, in the US BJC is also successful in secondary schools. In this project

we have successfully created a roadmap for translation, adaptation and evaluation of BJC in Dutch and translated BJC in Dutch. The effort has been supported by a diverse group of volunteers ranging from secondary school students to professionals, as well as by student assistants who have finalized the translation. The result of this effort is a website De Schoonheid en Vreugde van Programmeren providing a series of lessons that can be used as part of Computer Science lessons at secondary schools.

Ramon Moorlag
Ramon Moorlag
Voorzitter i&i

Docent informatica in ’s-Hertogenbosch, voorzitter i&i.