Thanks Netlife!

Thank you, Netlify,

Thank you, Netlify, for providing such a seamless and user-friendly platform for hosting and deploying websites. As a developer, I have found endless beauty and joy in the process of creating and bringing projects to life, and Netlify has made that process all the more enjoyable.

One project that particularly stands out as a great example of the power of Netlify is the Dutch translation of the Teacher guide of Beauty and Joy of Computing. This educational platform, created by Dr. Dan Garcia at the University of California, Berkeley, aims to introduce students to the world of computer science and encourage them to pursue careers in the field.

The website, which is built on the Jekyll static site generator, was a perfect fit for Netlify’s Git-based workflow. Deploying updates and new content was as simple as pushing to the repository on GitHub, and Netlify’s automatic builds ensured that the site was always up-to-date.

We are grateful for the reliable hosting and support that Netlify has provided for our project, and we highly recommend the platform to any developer looking to bring their projects to life on the web. Thank you, Netlify, for making the process of building and deploying websites such a joy. As a non-profit organization, the Dutch Beauty and Joy of Computing project is particularly appreciative of Netlify’s commitment to supporting the work of non-profits and open source projects. The platform’s generous free tier, which includes many of the features that we rely on, has allowed us to focus our resources on creating educational content and resources for our students, rather than worrying about hosting costs.

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Netlify for their support of the non-profit community and for making it possible for organizations like ours to bring our projects to life on the web. Your commitment to giving back to the community is truly appreciated and makes a real difference in the work that we do.

Ramon Moorlag
Ramon Moorlag
Voorzitter i&i

Docent informatica in ’s-Hertogenbosch, voorzitter i&i.